23,24/December/2018開催日: | 2018年12月23日(日), 12月24日(月) |
会場: | 新座キャンパス 4号館2階 N421教室 |
内容: | 本シンポジウムでは、自然とスピリチュアリティの関連性を様々な観点から議論し、同時に自然の中で生かされるという発想の中で、アクティビティも交えて、命の在り方に関しても議論を深めたい。 |
講演者: | 濁川 孝志(コミュニティ福祉学部教授、ウエルネス研究所所員) 奇二 正彦(自然観察ガイド、コミュニティ福祉学研究科後期課程2年) 鹿熊 勤(自然環境系ライター、本学兼任講師) |
公開シンポジウム 「自然とスピリチュアリティ:自然が育むスピリチュアリティ」は2日間通してのイベント。12月23日はワークショップ等を交えながらの講演、12月24日は23日とは違った視点から自然とスピリチュアルについての講演がメインであった。
2018年12月23日 | |
13:00 | 開会式 |
13:10-15:00 | ワールドカフェ:奇二 正彦 |
15:05-15:40 | 総会 |
15:40-16:10 | 和太鼓音浴「響沁浴」:千代組 |
16:15-17:30 | 星野道夫の神話 -未来を照らすそのスピリチュアリティ-:濁川 孝志 |
2018年12月24日 | |
9:30-11:30 | 研究発表 |
11:30-12:00 | 自然体験とスピリチュアリティの関係:奇二 正彦 |
12:00-12:30 | 自然と神と縄文人:鹿熊 勤 |
12:30-13:00 | 質疑応答 |
ワールドカフェでは、「自己の自然体験とスピリチュアリティ」をテーマに来場者同士がお互いに話しながら行う参加型ワークショップが行われた。 まず、最初に説明があり、3~4名のグループが作られた。グループでは各個人で体験した自然体験について付箋に書いたのち、自己紹介、付箋に書いた各個人の体験をグループ内で紹介、そして各体験談をカテゴライズし、一番印象に残った体験談などを全体に紹介。 各テーブルには志木キャンパスの敷地から採集した野花など、自然を感じる小物が飾られた。
1. 個人ワーク
Theme: The nature of self-experience and spirituality
【Round 1 】
1. Personal Work
2. Self-introduction, Host's role
3. Introducing the Episode
4. Categorized the episode and change the whole transpose.
【Round 2】

千代園 剛(ちよぞの・たけし)プロフィール
和太鼓 千代組の和太鼓奏者 千代園 剛様をお招きして、和太鼓音浴 響沁浴が披露された。
響沁浴は自分自身と向き合う時間を暗闇の中で、寝転がったり、座ったり自由なスタイルで、和太鼓の響き、 波動を五感を使い浴ることで癒される、自己と対話するツールの一つであること、響沁浴の前・最中・後の脳波を測定した結果、和太鼓の音はジェットエンジンと同等のデシベルであるが、その中でa波が出ているという結果からストレスを味方にしながらリラックスできる、究極のリラックス方法であると分析もでていると、近藤教子さんより響沁浴体験の説明があった。
部屋を暗くし、演奏がスタート、30分間演奏を暗闇の中で体験。太鼓は力強い音を響かせて、心地のいい時間へと会場の皆様をいざないました。体験中の個人的な感想は瞑想をしているのと近い感じがした。千代園 剛をインタビューし、演奏は3部(過去ー現在ー未来)で構成されており、過去を振り返って、現実を視て、生まれなおして、現在の自分を位置を知ったうえで未来に向かって進む、という意図が込められていると語ってくれた。
Takeshi Chiyozono's Profile
Japanese drums
Wadaiko Chiyogumi group representative
Graduated from Senzoku Gakuen College of Music with master
Play Wadaiko more than 20 years
Participation in France JAPAN EXPO (Japan Expo)
Participation in NHK red and white song battle, and performed at Yasukuni Shrine, Kanda Myojin.
Perform regularly at Tsukiji Honjyo, Demisezan Shrine, and other places to support the city that had been affected after the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster.
He visits regularly and is carrying out reconstruction assistance through Wadaiko performances. At the international world peace conference held in March 2017 in the Philippines, he performed in front of the presidents of each country and VIP.
September 2018, visit Taiwan as the first foreigner to perform at the Mid-Autumn Festival Music Festival hosted by Hon Kun Tiger. Started the original method Japanese drumming therapy "Hibiki Bath" from 2016. Energize with Japanese drums Peace the world peacefully Connect the world with Japanese drums. And, someone else is active in domestic and overseas with the motto to create a better future.
In the event, Takeshi Chiyozono from Chiyogami Group performed Wadaiko "Kyoushinyoku," a Japanese drum.
He explains that "Kyoshinyoku" is a tool that helps people to communicate with their inner peace, in a way they like, sitting, rolling on the floor etc... in the dark room.
As a result of measuring brain waves before, during, and after experiencing the sound of a Japanese drum, is equivalent to a jet engine, but because the a-wave comes out with that sound, people can relax. The ultimate Analysis says that it is a great relaxation method.
It darkened the room, and the performance started. The performance last for 30 minutes. Taiko's powerful sound lead the audience to enjoy the experience.
My personal thoughts about the experience were very close to meditating.
We interviewed Takeshi Chiyo. During the interview, he explains to us that the performance was composed of three parts (the past-present-future), looking back on the past, looking at the reality, and was born again, and said that the intention of advancing toward the future after knowing the position of each person is now.
During the performance, the audience put the things of their own, trying to benefit from it, after hearing the information the wave rises, and the fortune goes up.

(Keynote speech "The Myth of Michio Hoshino"-to reconsider our way of life: Dr. Takashi Nigorikawa)
濁川 孝志 プロフィール
コミュニティ福祉学部 スポーツウエルネス学科【研究分野・キーワード】
星野道夫(ほしの みちお、1952年9月27日 - 1996年8月8日)
写真家、探検家、詩人。 アラスカを舞台に、自然や人間や動植物の営みを感動的な写真の数々と珠玉の文章を発表した。熊の事故で急逝 (43歳 カムチャッカ)
Takashi Nigorikawa's Profile
Rikkyo University Professor, Community Welfare Faculty, Department of Sports and Wellness.【Research Field · Keywords】
Health Science, Exercise Physiology, Wellness Theory, Spirituality, Body Fat, Tennis, Ski【Research Theme】
(1) Relationship between Spirituality and Health
(2) View of life and death, mental and physical wellness
(3) Outdoor sports
(4) Natural environmental problems
(5) A discourse about Michio Hoshino
In the lecture, we could hear a story that made us questioned about our modern life through the life of a popular photographer, who is still very loved by the people who worry deeply about the environmental problems and human spirituality, Mr. Michio Hoshino.
Started with the introduction about Mr. Hoshino, followed by the presentation of the words of the UK historian, the Japanese linguist, and the American mythologist, and also about the connection that Mr. Hoshino has with the myth. Among them, the commons it has are human beings.
Also, we discusses Mr. Hoshino's idea of myth, and what he wanted to tell. As hearing the lecture, I learn that It'll be the guideline to know our position in nature, the universe, and the world by Japanese's having a myth. Because Michio Hoshino felt if we try to be existing as the man and tribes, It is necessary to make our myth desperately, and he preached the importance of myths whenever he had a chance. Through the way of life of Michio Hoshino, we can learn a sense of "God is watching," norms of living at the same time. Also, the question was thrown to our way of living , where the contact with nature is less than before.
It was a conference where could felt the passion of Professor Nigorikawa for Mr. Michio Hoshino.
The documentary film"Gaia Symphony No. 3" produced on the theme of Michio Hoshino based on the Gaia theory cast by James Lubbock, a British physicist, and numbers of inspiring photographs of Mr. Michio Hoshino who continued taking the life of Alaska, was introduce。
Hoshino Michio (September 27, 1952-August 8, 1996)
Photographers, Explorers, poets. On the stage in Alaska, he published a lot of inspiring photographs and texts of nature, human and flora, and fauna. Died suddenly in a bear accident (43-year-old Kamchatka)

(The relationship between nature experience and spirituality: Prof. Masahiko Kiji)
奇二 正彦 プロフィール
立教大学 非常勤講師
NAVIGATORNPO法人生態教育センター 主任指導員立教大学文学部卒業後、ニュージーランドの美術学校、JEEF自然学校指導者養成講座、自然映像プロダクションなどを経て、現職。立教大学非常勤講師。専門は生物多様性調査、環境教育、展示企画デザインなど。
それから、心の問題にも注目し、自殺率や引きこもりの人数等のデータで物質的、経済的に豊かになった日本の環境に疑問を投げかけた。物質も大事だけどスピリチュアリティも大事なのではないか、では、スピリチュアリティとは何とされているのか、”それは人生を支えていた生きる意味や目的が、死や病の接近によって脅かされて経験する、全存在的苦痛をスピリチュアルペインという。その危機を生き抜く「機能」として、人間に生得的に備わっているのがスピリチュアル。”等の考えを共有した。 現在では、従来の物質至上主義社会におけるQOL(身体面・心理面・社会面・家族面)に加えて「生きがい」「信念」等のスピリチュアルな側面も含めた、全体的QOLを希求する動きが出てきていることも付け加えられた。
被験者、男性8人、女性23人からなる大学生と一緒に自然の中で4泊5日のキャンプ体験を行い。JYS(日本人青年におけるスピリチュアリティ評定尺度)、PIL(実存心理検査),GHQ(死生観尺度)の質問に答えてもらった。 -
168名(平均年齢18.7歳、SD=1.1)からなる首都園の大学生に対して、「チョウやトンボ等の昆虫を捕まえたことがある」、「太陽が昇るところや沈むところを見たことがある」、「キャンプしたことがある」、などの14項目で構成されている自然体験の多寡を測定するテストおよびSNEと3つ質問を行った。 -
Masahiko Kiji's Profile
Nature observation guide
Community Welfare Graduate School 2nd Year
Ecological Planning Research Institute Co., Ltd., Senior Researcher
Rikkyo University's part-time lecturer
Park management operator
NAVIGATORNPO Chief Instructor for Ecological Education CenterAfter graduating from the Faculty of Literature, Rikkyo University, he has worked at art school in New Zealand, for JEEF Natural School as a leader in a training course, and natural video production.
【 Main Activities 】
He studies environmental education activities that focus on "living things," especially ecological education, to restore and preserve the biodiversity and the natural environment.
He offers environmental education programs and leadership training programs throughout all of the nations.
talking about the data from surveys, experiences, research results of the professor.
Initially, the professor introduced the background of personal research, and "create a society where people coexist and nature," the purpose of the activity. Environmental conservation, and environmental education is conducted to achieve the goal. The park is administered for environmental preservation, the report of the situation of the park is submitted to the administration and the enterprise.
They provide natural experience to more than 500,000 people in environmental education.
He also talked about activities he is doing not only as an organization but also personally.
Personal activities are largely divided into consumption activities and sovereignty activities. Spirituality is supporting the activities he is doing for the organization and the activities he is doing personally. In order to solve the problems of the mind and the environmental problems that modern people have, it is necessary to review the material abundance and to cultivate the spiritual sense of values. It is fundamental that the idea of the nature experience is effectively involved. The mystery experience through art has been the reason behind the idea.
Then, We also focused on the problem of the mind with data such as suicide rate and the number of recluses. In the talking point, raised doubts about the environment of Japan that is materially and economically rich. The material is important, but spirituality is also important, so what it is with spirituality," we share the idea that it is the meaning and purpose of living. It can be said that it is called the spiritual pain that the meaning and the purpose to live is threatened by the approach of the death, sickness, and all existence pain that experienced. Spiritual is the innate characteristic of human beings as a function of surviving the crisis." We also shear various ideas such as “Spiritual is the innate feature of human beings as a function of surviving the crisis.” It also has been added that today, in addition to the QOL (physical, psychological, social, and family aspects) of the conventional material supremacy society, movements seeking overall quality of life including spiritual aspects such as "living" and "belief."
In the end, he presented three concrete studies.
Research (1): Short-term nature experiences are related to fostering spirituality?
Together with 8 men and 23 females college students, had a 4 nights 5 day camp experience in nature. The question of JYS (spirituality grading scale in Japanese youth), PIL (Existential Psychological Test), GHQ (Death scale) was answered. -
Research (2): Is the past natural experience related to fostering spirituality?
168 students (average age 18.7 years, SD = 1.1) from Kanto/Tokyo region, carry out a test that measures the amount of nature experience composed of 14 items, such as ”Have you experience a camp?” ”Have you seen the sunset and sunrise?” ”Have you caught butterflies, dragonflies, and other insects?, ” SNE and 3 other questions. -
Research (3):Is there a difference in fostering spirituality among those who observed the starry sky and those who watched the planetarium?
Search object: 22 men and 22 females (average age = 20.0)
Conclusion:The natural experience fosters people's spirituality. I want to find out what kind of nature experience will be more nurturing in the future.
Listening to this story, I felt that spirituality and nature were closely related and familiar to us, with the surprise that we were able to make more data than we thought about spirituality.

鹿熊 勤 プロフィール
立教大学兼任講師 (全学共通カリキュラム「アウトドアの知恵に学ぶ」/立教大学大学院兼任講師ルポルタージュ、インタビュー、聞き書き、評論、書評のほか、通販事業の構成・戦略支援など、さまざまな「考えて書く仕事」を手がける。
『江戸和竿職人歴史と技を語る』 (平凡社)
まとめとして縄文人が培ってきた精神的な部分として、人はなぜ物語(神話)を紡ぐのか?親しい人の死を納得するための理由, 目に見えない自然現象や命の循環を理解するための説明づけ(神話→科学)、助け合って幸福に暮らすための共通のストーリーに合わせて、話が聞けた。
Tutomu Kakuma’s profile
Natural environment writer, lecturer at the Rikkyo University
Representative of information studio "Ryokuin-Fusha,"
A freelancer who writes as third-person article in the first person's signature manuscript by a Tsutomu Kakuma.
Director of NPO Japan Ecotourism Center
Lecturer at Rikkyo University (General curriculum "Learning from the wisdom of the outdoors"/lecturer, Rikkyo University)In addition to reportage, interviews, listening, criticisms, reviews, as well as the composition of merchandising businesses and strategy support, he is involved in various "thinking and writing tasks."
The theme area is "Regional Activities" "Industry" "Nature and the Environment" "Education" "Culture" "Lifestyle."
Continue to work as a lecturer and planner.【Work】
"Sustenance is in the field," "The Master Secret Book of Hills and Fields", "living in Kishu bincho charcoal" (agricultural Bunkyo)
"The grandma who earns 200 million yen from the leaf" "reading the Tree", "Niyodo River Hunter Secret", "teachings of the Blacksmith", "Japan Blacksmith", "Work cutlery" (World photo Press), "The history and techniques of Edo Wadail craftsmen" (Heibonsha)
"Death in the Enkobashicho River", "Fishing is Heaven" morishita Critical Biography (Shogakbunko)
First, He introduced the life cycle and the custom of the Jomon period based on the Jomon calendar. The image of the Jomon period that it was a life without room, pit dwelling thatched, the plant is collected from the field, fishing and hunting was important to obtain food, but in recent theory, in Jomon era, there was a room, it was fashionable, Plants were also likely to be cultivated, and fishing and hunting has a meaning of distraction. It was explained that there was a mechanism of harmony and a safety net.
In addition, as for the work and the festival, the population which can be supported after farming increases, and the society over the distribution of a surplus product called "wealth" becomes complex. Labor as a system for everyone to live happily became a means of personal self-fulfillment.
It was wisdom to confirm equality and deepen the harmony, and the means of the power rule change, too.
※ I was quoted from the Baku and Michio Okamura talk about how the life and thought of Jomon people connected with God. As a mental part cultivated by Jomon people as a summary, why do people spin stories (myths)?
The reason for convincing the death of a close person, the explanation to understand the invisible natural phenomenon and the circulation of life (myth → Science), was able to hear the story according to a common story to help each other and to live happily.
The most surprising part of this was the view that the Jomon people cultivated chestnuts considerably, and that the size of the chestnut was larger than the present one, and that the breed had been improved. In addition, hunting was not only to live, and the element of play was strong, etc. were very interesting. It was a discovery which was made to think about the concept concerning the work at that time that the deprivation (black labor) was not because the act of working was help in about three hours in the labor time for work.
There were many interesting episodes of the Jomon period, which had been a very rich life, and everyone thought that they wanted to make the most of the present.