- 開会の挨拶【大学院コミュニティ福祉学研究科:中村真博】
- 東京オリンピック・パラリンピックでの都市ボランティア、大会ボランティア の概要、活動内容の説明 【オリパラ支援研究会:木下聡美】
東京2020組織委員会が募集している大会ボランティアの応募者数は80,000万人を突破。一方、都市ボランティアは募集人数20,000人に対し、応募者数はまだ6,000人程度となっている。観客の方々をお迎えするなど開催都市の顔となる都市ボランティアについて、移動サポート(運転など)、ヘルスケアなど活動内容の説明を行った。どの分野に応募するか迷っている方はどの分野でもいいのでとボランティアへの応募、参加を呼びかけた。 - ゲストによる基調講演
- パネルディスカッション



Date: December 4, 2018 (Tue) 18:30-20:30
Venue: Rikkyo University, Ikebukuro Campus Bldg. 5, 1f Classroom 5121
Summary :
As the Olympics and Paralympic Games, one of the world's three major events, are held in Tokyo in 2020, fostering volunteer culture is a challenge as the importance of volunteers is being touted. In this lecture we invited the Paralympic tournament contestants, a student who had experienced the volunteer at the Rio Olympic Games, and expert of volunteer guide, to talk about the significance of volunteering, the wonderfulness and their experience.
- Opening remarks 【 Graduate School of Community and Human Services; Masahiro Nakamura 】
- Urban volunteers at the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, outline of the volunteers,description of activities [Support research group; Satomi Kinoshita]
The number of applicants for the tournament volunteers, which the Tokyo 2020 organizing Committee is recruiting, surpassed 80,000 million people. On the other hand, the city volunteers that expecting to be recruit 20,000 persons, the applicant's number is still 6,000. We talked about the activities of city volunteers and also explained that the volunteers will be the key to the event. - Guest’s Speech
- Panel discussion
千葉 祗暉(ちばまさあき)氏
パラリンピアン、元車椅子陸上競技日本代表 一般社団法人日本チャレンジドアスリート協会会長 1961年生まれ。立教大学大学院コミュニティ福祉学研究科博士前期課程修了。パラリンピック3大会出場。1998年世界選手権バーミンガムにて銀メダル獲得。
障がい者スポーツ大会という名称ではなく、海外では“Para sport(パラスポーツ)”と一般的に使われている。パラスポーツの語源はパラレルから来ている。パラレル (parallel) は、英語で平行、並行、並列を意味する言葉。日本で使われている”障がい者”を”Para"に変えるともっと一般の人々にとってなじみやすいものになるのではないかと考えている。
1996年のアトランタで、衝撃的な言葉に出会った。パラリンピックビレッジの入り口に、Wellcome と書かれたボードが吊るされていて、Wellcomeには“What's your excuse ?”という短い文句が並んでいた。直訳すると「言い訳は何?」といった意味。しかし、パラアスリートである千葉さんには「障害を言い訳にするな!」という意味で心に響き、以来、大切な言葉として子どもたちにも伝えている。

Mr. Chiba Masaki
Paralympian,Former wheelchair athletics Japan national team representative.Chairman of Japan Challenged Athlete Association.Born in 1961.
Completed the master's program at Rikkyo University, Graduate School of Community Welfare Studies. Participated 3 Paralympics Tournament. Won silver medal at Birmingham World Championship in 1998.
Mr. Chiba, who had participated in Paralympic Games, was the top of keynote lecture. Mr. Chiba lives in a wheelchair for 37 years. He started the lecture with a shocking story, based on his real experiences, "Can we really organize the Paralympic Games in Tokyo? In such regrettable country."
■Japan, a pity country!?
At the 1992 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Barcelona,
I was very impressed and grateful to the volunteers that they helped me a lot. Comparing Japan to overseas, I often feel that we are progressing more on the soft side.
In Japan, there is a part that people is not able to care enough for people who have disabilities and need to improve.
【Example of the Real Experience】
One day, the wheel of the wheelchair tripped over a protrusion, I was thrown out of a wheelchair and fell down on the middle of the road. I could not get up. Despite the many pedestrians crossing in the street, no one reached out to me. I was on the steer asking for help for more than ten minutes.
【Example of the Real Experience】
There was a meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Despite having a priority elevator, I could not ride for two hours. People was pretending not to see. Even the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which seems to be more conscious than the general public, is in such a state.
■ There are no Sports competition for disabilities in abroad!?
In foreign countries, It is commonly use the word "Parasport" not “Sports competition for disabilities.” The etymology of para - sports comes from parallel. Parallel, is a word meaning the distance between them is the same all along their length. I think that if we change the word that we use in Japan from "disabled people" to "Para," I think the disabilities will become familiar to more people.
■ About volunteering
If para-sports spread and become familiar, it will not be a distinction between a person with disabilities and another person. The society will become a place where everyone can stay in the same position. I believe that the volunteers are taking a big part of that. The mind of the volunteers will be not to help a people with disabilities, but to make together something together, and to play on the same field. I hope that it will be such a nice Olympic and Paralympic games.
■ Do not make an excuse for obstacle!
In Atlanta in 1996, He came across a shocking word. A board wrote "Wellcome," where hanging at the entrance of the Paralympic Village. The "Wellcome" was lined with a short phrase that says "What's your excuse?" The literal translation means "What is the reason to make an excuse?" However, for Mr. Chiba who is a para-athlete, echoes in his heart as meaning "Don't make your disabilities as an excuse." Since then, he has been teaching to children as an important word. Para-sports is a sport that uses all the remaining functions to compete.
I want everyone to encourage para-athletes who greatly encourage the society, showing "the great things that they can do with remaining functions" instead of seeing as a weak people, just because they don’t have one hand or is blind.
若杉 遥 氏
中学2年生から目が見えなくなって、スポーツができないと思った。しかし、ゴールボールを知って、このスポーツは目に見えない人と目に見える人が対等に戦えるスポーツであることを知って興味をもって始めた。しかし、見ると実際にやるのでは全然違う。 最初は怖い思いをしたが、練習してできるようになった。
Ms. Haruka Wakasugi
2018 graduated from the Faculty of Sociology. Women's national team Japan of goalball. Won the gold medal at the London Paralympics in 2012. Won the gold medal at 2018 Asian para-Games . Finished in the fifth place at the Rio Paralympic.
■ How you started goalball?
I lost my sight when I was in the second grade of junior high school and thought that I couldn't play sports anymore. However, I got interested in knowing that goalball is a sport that visually impaired persons and physically unimpaired persons can fight equally. It seems easy to learn, but it is completely different when you actually do it. I was scary at first, but in the end, I was ready to play.
■ What is the attraction of goalball?
In order to be able to check your position and direction on your own, or assemble a strategy of where you are targeting the other person by multiplying each other's voice, you have to be able to do many things in everyday life. That is interesting and attractive. I think that it is more interesting to see where the players targeting and how they call each other when you watch the game.
■ The involvement with the volunteers.
Although there was little direct involvement, they were very helpful. In the Asian Para Games, there were one or two volunteers in one team. At first, it was awkward, but we got used to it and could build a good relationship with them. I had a good memory.
■ Beautiful encounter at the Rio Paralympic Games
In the "Mix Zone" where you can get the interview from the media, a student from the same faculty of Rikkyo University spoke to me.I could not believe that I could meet a student from Rikkyo in Rio, so I was very happy and encouraged.



明石 光子 氏
Ms. Mitsuko Akashi
Nationwide interpreter guide
Graduated from International Christian University
She experienced a volunteer guide at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the National Science Museum, and the Japan Science Future Museum after working as a national interpreter. She experienced in guiding foreigners (English speaking) in Tokyo, Fuji-Hakone, Nikko, Kanazawa, Kyoto, etc. She has a wealth of experience and is expected to play a central role in urban volunteering at the time of the Tokyo 2020..
■ What were your thoughts when you start to volunteer?
In the beginning, I was confused, because I didn't know how to start. But, I found things to share and things that I can enjoy doing it.
■ About Japanese hospitality
I thought that the customer would be happy with the meal when we took him to a nice restaurant. However, he felt like monitored and not satisfied. I realized that the hospitality that people overseas wanted and the sense of hospitality that the Japanese want to do or expect are different. It is necessary to know the country well as long as it is possible to do the hospitality that the person in the country requests.
■ What things do you care the most when you do volunteer?
It is attractive to be involved with the customer from various countries. When I do volunteer, what I care is that the customer can feel relaxed. I care that the customer enjoys and says ah! , really!, I see. I am happy when a customer's eyes glow during my guide. That is my next driving force.
■ How to enjoy the volunteer work outside of the games?
About city volunteers compared to the tournament volunteers, it is difficult to obtain involvement feeling, but you can enjoy by increasing your knowledge and create original guide.
■ How to increase the knowledge?
For example, when you have a guided tour in the castle, knowledge can be expanded by studying and learning things through thinking about the horizontal axis (what happened in Europe and the United States in the Kamakura period in Japan), so that it will be easy to guide overseas people.
■ About English skill
English is important, but it is more important to be able to express what you want to say to the other person. It is very important to increase your Japanese vocabulary because what you don't know in Japanese, you would never be able to say in English.
堀池 桃代 さん
オリンピックの開催前: | 準備、アテンド |
オリンピックの期間中: | 選手のメディア通訳(ラグビー、バスケ、ホッケー) |
パラリンピック期間中: | 選手のメディア通訳 (ゴールボール) |
場所: | Main Press Center (世界中のメディアの活動拠点) Deodoroスタジアム メインパーク |
業務: | 各国メディアの受け入れ/チケッティング |
- 世界中の友達を作る
- グッズの交換
- バッジ集め、交換
- 試合を見に行く
- 観光
- 世界の一流を近くで応援する感動
- オリンピックに内側から貢献しているという高揚感
- 世界中から集まる仲間とチームで働く経験と多くの出会い
- パラアスリートに対する意識の変化(お手伝い<尊敬、一緒に何かしたい)
- その後の活動、目標を得ることができた。
”A Olimpiada traz mais do que so a olimpiada”
- ボランティアはやる前とやった後で何かが変わる。
(堀池さんの場合は困っている人に対して自分から声をかけれるようになった) - チャレンジしてみることが大切
- やるだけではもったいない!どう楽しむか、どう次の行動に繋げるかは自分次第
Ms. Momoyo Horiike
Rikkyo University 4th year student
Rio de Janeiro Olympic and Paralympic volunteer experience
Graduated from International Christian University
She served as a volunteer at the Rio de Janeiro Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016 while studying in Brazil.
■ What were your thoughts when you start to volunteer?
I was involved in volunteering when I am studying in Brazil, as the Olympic and Paralympic Games are held in Rio de Janeiro, I thought this is great opportunity.
■ Volunteer activities
Before the Olympics: | preparation, attendance |
During the Olympics: | Interpreter (rugby, basketball,hockey) |
During the Paralympic: | Interpreter (goal ball) |
Location: | Main Press Center ( Media activities worldwide) |
Job description: | Receive and guide international media / Ticketing |
■ How to enjoy the volunteer
- Make friends around the world
- Collect badges and exchange
- See the game and sightseeing
- Impress to see the world's top class athlete nearby.
- The exhilaration to contribute from the inside to the Olympic Games.
- The experience of working with friends from all over the world.
- Change in consciousness to para-athlete (Assistance < Respect and Want to do something together )
- I was able to obtain the goal after the Olympic.
"a olimpiada Traz mais do que so a olimpiada" Olympics bring more than the Olympics!
■ As a volunteer
- Something changes before and after volunteering. (In the case of me, I started to care of people who are in trouble.)
- It is important to challenge, It is a waste just not to try!
- How to enjoy, how to lead to the next action depends on yourself.
【千葉 祗暉】テレビでのオリンピック・パラリンピックは作られた世界、しかし現場は選手とコーチとの関係性を見ることができ、選手の感情や息づかいなどを感じることができる現実の世界。会場でしか見られない素晴らしさがある。
【若杉 遥】会場では独特な緊張感を感じられる。音や何を頼りにゲーム運びをしてるのか、会場でのざわつきなどテレビではわからないものがある。
【堀池 桃代】 臨場感や躍動感は生で見るからこそ、楽しい!テレビでは会場が一体となって応援している感覚は味わえないし、ボランティア側から見ると選手の緊張感や試合から帰って来たときの独特の感じは現場でしか味わえない。
【明石 光子】 楽しみにしている事は、いろんな国の方にお会いできること。お会いして、ご案内したときに、その方の『へっ!本当!?』という気持ちと、『はぁー、そうだったの?知らなかった』、『ほぉー、なるほど!』のへ!、ハー、ホーをゲストの方からどれくらい聞けるかを楽しみにしている。
【堀池 桃代】 自分が大会を作り上げている一部になっていると感じた時、若杉さんがプレーした時に彼女のことを自分と同級生だと自慢できた時です。
【明石 光子】街のボランティアでやってよかったと思ったのは困ったゲストを私たちがお手伝いした時にゲストが見せた安堵感の表情を見た時です。
【千葉 祗暉】選手によって違うので線引きは難しい。声をかける方が何をやりたいかにもよるが、何回でもトライしたらいいと思う。
【若杉 遥】大会にいるとどれだけのボランティアがいるのか、誰がボランティアなのかがわかりやすいため、個人的には声をかけてくれたほうが嬉しい。
【明石 光子】相手の目が光るかどうかを心掛けている。なぜなら、つまらない話をしてると相手の目が光らないから。限られた時間の中でも、その人に合わせたおもてなしがたくさん出来れば、そのひとりひとりの心の中に思い出が出来て、日本での滞在期間がとてもいい物になれると思う。

We were able to talk about the Paralympics, Olympics games and the volunteers more deeply through a few questions in the panel discussion.
1:How different Paralympics and Olympics games are that you see on television from the one that you go to the venue and experience it?
Masaaki Chiba: The Olympic-Paralympic Games on TV is the world that is made up.
In the field, can see the relationship between the player and the coach. The feelings and breathing of the players only can be felt in the real world. There is wonderfulness that only can experience in the venue.
Haruka Wakasugi: You can feel unique tension at the venue. There are things that you can not understand on TV, such as real sound and what the game carries.
Momoyo Horiike: You can enjoy the sense of realism and dynamism because you are there. Throughout the TV, you can't experience the sense of how the supporters cheer the players as one. From the volunteer side, the feeling of the tension and the feeling of the players when they return from the game, only can be experienced in Reality.
2:Ms. Akashi, you have been doing a variety of activities as a national interpreter-guide, but would you please tell us what things make you excited about Olympics and the Paralympic Games, one of the largest competitions in the world, will be organized in Tokyo? How do you want to get involved?
Ms. Mitsuko Akashi: I am looking forward to meeting people from various countries.
I'm also excited to hear from the guests Oh! Aja! I see! Oh, meaning "Is that true!?" with the feeling of surprise, and Aja!meaning "Interesting" I see, when I am going to guide them.
3:When did you feel most proud of your volunteer experience?
Momoyo Horiike: When I felt that I was part of creating the event, and when I was able to brag that Ms. Wakasugi is my classmate.
Ms. Mitsuko Akashi:To the expression of relief that the guest showed when we helped them during volunteer work in town.
4:Is there a borderline for players that don't want to be asked for an autograph or simply talk?
Masaaki Chiba:It is difficult to draw the line because it depends on the players. It Depends on what the person wants to do, but I think should try it many times.
Haruka Wakasugi:Because it is easy to understand how many volunteers are in the tournament and who is volunteering, I would be more than happy to been spoken to by the volunteers.
5:Please tell me how much time you spend on a volunteer guide in town and how carefully you will deal with it.
Ms. Mitsuko Akashi: I try to see if my guest's eyes glow. Because, if the eyes of the guest do not glow, means they are bored. Even within a limited time, if I can do a lot of hospitality according to that person, I think that makes in unforgettable memories in each one's mind and their stay in Japan will be very good.
今回、立教オリパラ支援研究会はウエルネス研究所主催のもと、“2020年東京大会 ボランティアの魅力を語る~東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピックボランティアに向けて~”と題し、シンポジウムを企画・運営させて頂きました。当日は千葉祇暉氏(車椅子陸上競技パラリンピック3大会出場、1998年世界選手権銀メダリスト)、若杉遥氏(現ゴールボール女子日本代表、2012年ロンドン大会金メダリスト)、明石光子氏(全国通訳案内士)、堀池桃代氏(2016年リオ大会ボランティア経験者、社会学部4年生)をお招きし、基調講演とパネルディスカッションを行いました。ゲスト選定の段階から研究会メンバーでたくさんの打合せを行い、多くのお客様に足を運んでいただくためにはどうすればよいか、どのような内容であれば来場された皆様にボランティアに参加したいと思っていただけるかを第一に考え、話し合いました。その結果、それぞれの分野の第一線で活躍する素晴らしいゲストにお越し頂き、多くの人にとって新しい発見のあるシンポジウムを開催することができたのではないかと思います。