濁川 孝志(立教大学コミュニティ福祉学部教授、ウエルネス研究所所員)
長堀 優(一般財団法人育生会横浜病院院長)
萩原 孝一(桜美林大学非常勤講師、アフリカ協会特別研究員)
千代園 剛(和太鼓音浴セラピー 響沁浴 演奏)
神原 康弥(天の声を聴く詩人)
- 太鼓の演奏
- 「霊性(スピリチュアリティ)と現代社会」をテーマに講演
a)濁川 孝志(コミュニティ福祉学部教授、ウエルネス研究所所員)
b)萩原 孝一(桜美林大学非常勤講師、アフリカ協会特別研究員)
c)長堀 優(一般財団法人育生会横浜病院院長) - ゲスト: 神原康弥氏(天の声を聴く詩人)のお話
- 和太鼓音浴セラピー 響沁浴 演奏
- 令和スピリチュアル宣言
The word of "spirituality" is often spoken with negative images with antisocial forces such as cults. However, the original meaning of spirituality is a common element that must be rooted in all religions, that is, the formation of the universe that many religions explain, the connection with the transcendental being (God), At the same time, it refers to the elimination of the negative aspects of religion, namely the denial of other religions and the imposition of unique ideas and doctrines.
In the symposium, we explained the results of studies that connect activities and links between modern society and spirituality academically. In the symposium, we explained the results of studies that connect activities and links between modern society and spirituality academically. From the perspective of a researcher, I would like to deepen the discussion of the meaning and importance of spirituality in this modern society, which has reached the era of Reiwa, showing scientific evidence.
Takashi Nigorikawa (Professor, Faculty of Community Welfare, Member of the Wellness Institute)
Yutaka Nagahori (Director of Ikuseikai Yokohama Hospital)
Koichi Hagiwara (Part-time lecturer at Sakurarin University, Research Fellow of the African Association)
Tsuyoshi Chiyozono (Japanese drum sound bath therapy performance)
Koya Kambara (A poet who listens to the voice of heaven)
- Taiko Perfomance
- Talk on the theme of "spirituality and modern society."
a) Takashi Nigorikawa (Professor, Faculty of Community Welfare, Member of the Wellness Institute)
c) Koichi Hagiwara (Part-time instructor at Sakurarin University, Research Fellow of the African Association)
b) Yutaka Nagahori (Director of Ikuseikai Yokohama Hospital) - Guest : Koya Kambara (A poet who listens to the voice of heaven)
- Japanese drum sound bath therapy performance
- Reiwa The Spiritual Declaration
It is said that that the sound of Taiko has a mysterious power since ancient times. The symposium starts with the performance of Taiko, which meant purifying the venue. The sound of the Japanese drum wrapped the entire venue with a wonderful atmosphere.
濁川 孝志(コミュニティ福祉学部教授、ウエルネス研究所所員)
しかし、近年はスピリチュアリティ(霊性)に関する認識が見直されて来ている。それでは、霊性(スピリチュアリティ)とは何か?それは万教同根の意味に通じる、多くの宗教が宇宙の成り立ち、超越的存在(神)とのつながりで生きる上での模範などの共通部分を要約したもので、これを体感的に理解したときに、得られる「誰が見ていなくてもお天道様が見ている」、「自分の命は、宇宙のすべて の存在のつながりの中で生かされている」「日々生かされていることに感謝を感じる」「年長者やご先祖様を敬う」「四季の移ろいに物の哀れを感じる」等の感性は世界中の先住民族が示す「自然と調和して生きる価値観」である。その霊性(スピリチュアリティ)の醸成は宗教、ヨガや座禅、瞑想及び自然体験によって影響される。
~Social Pathology of Japan, a Country That Has Become Economically and Materially Rich~
Takashi Nigorikawa (Professor, Faculty of Community Welfare, Member of the Wellness Institute)
Because of the decline in spirituality, we now live in a society that is not only exacerbating depression, suicide, and withdrawal but also aggravating environmental problems such as biodiversity phenomena and abnormal weather caused by natural destruction.
However, in recent years, the perception of spirituality has been reviewed.
So what is spirituality? It summarizes the common parts of many religions, which lead to the meaning of universal roots, such as the origin of the cosmos and the example of life that is connecting with transcendental beings (God), which is obtaining the values to live in harmony with nature that are expressed by indigenous peoples all over the world, when you experience "GOD is Watching even if no one is watching," Human beings do not live on their own, but are kept alive by nature in the connection of all existences of the universe,""feeling gratitude for being alive every day," "Respect elders and ancestors," and "Feel the understanding of things in the changing seasons."
Regarding spirituality, we examined the effects of wellness welfare theory (Rikkyo University)-thinking about spirituality-in the lectures of Fumihiko Iida's "Responsibilities of Life" and Akira Ikegawa's "Lecture of Internal Memory".
We measure spirituality by answering various questions on the "Spirituality Evaluation Scale in Japanese Adolescents." The results showed that before and after the lecture. According to the result of The PIL; The feeling of worth living increased significantly after the lecture.
I believe that the attitude of denying spiritual events that are commonplace is unscientific.

萩原 孝一(桜美林大学非常勤講師、アフリカ協会特別研究員)
萩原氏は現役の国連職員時代に発展途上国で貧困や病気や死など様々な問題と向き合っていた。ある時、ぎっくり腰で病院に行った際に「Save The Earth(地球を守れ)」というはっきりとした声を聞いたのだという。
~From a former spiritual UN staff to aliens in Japan~
Koichi Hagiwara (Part-time instructor at Sakurarin University, Research Fellow of the African Association)
Hagiwara was an active U.N. official and faced various problems in developing countries, including poverty, disease, and death. One time, when he went to the hospital to treat "witch’s shot," he heard a clear voice saying, "Save The Earth."
Spoked uniquely about his experience at the United Nations and the importance of living spiritually as aliens in Japan that filled the venue with laughter.
長堀 優(一般財団法人育生会横浜病院 院長)
~Think about a way of life rooted in spirituality~
Yutaka Nagahori (Director of Ikuseikai Yokohama Hospital)
Based on his experiences in the medical field, he said, "From a scientific point of view, there is a sense of spirituality that cannot be denied in the medical field, like "The fusion of Western science and Eastern philosophy, "Near Death Experience" are asserted. He also explained about the "quantum theory." The quantum theory leads to the teachings of "All is vanity," emptiness is form," and spirituality and science do not confront each other, but the mind and body are spiritual in the spirit of acceptance.
About to be with someone until the end of their life. The mysterious actions before died can be understood, and the scenes that should have been sad can be the ultimate healing if we expand our minds.That spirituality leads to healing over the death of a person, not pessimism about death.
Medical care in the future begins by recognizing the power of the mind, pursuing the further potential of the mind, and respecting the care of the mind.
The role of Oriental philosophy that preaches spirituality plays a significant role in practicing such medical treatment.

濁川 孝志氏(Takashi Nigorikawa)

萩原 孝一氏(Koichi Hagiwara)

長堀 優氏(Yutaka Nagahori)
A poet who listens to the voice of heaven~Koya Kambara~
A Poet who deliver the message from the origin of the universe.
Mr.Kambara communicates the teachings of space through his mother. Babies say they choose their mother to be born when they are in heaven, everyone is born with a mission for some reason, and the soul returns to space after achieving the mission.

会場を暗くし、太鼓の音を感じ、ただ自分の中のスピリチュアリティと向かいあう時間になりました。和太鼓音浴セラピー 響沁浴の演奏を通して、忙しく忘れかけていた自分と向かい合う時間だけでなく、心が洗われた感覚が会場に流れました。
Darkened the venue, felt the sound of drums, and just had the time to face the spirituality within ourselves. Through the Japanese drum sound bath therapy performance, Not only had time to face ourselves but also the refreshing feeling of mind flowed to the venue.

霊性と現代社会 参加者一同
In the past, people in the world did not believe the heliocentric theory of Galileo because it was unscientific. But later, it was proved the correctness of it, and that made great progress of astronomy at that time.
Now the same thing is happening over spirituality. Spirituality and invisible beings continue to be denied for unscientific reasons. However, due to the relentless efforts of many Galileo's living today, the world is about to change little by little. Is moving in a direction to the acceptance of this.
There used to be a time when people could really talk to flowers, trees, and birds. At that time, everyone knew that their lives were part of the great lives of the universe. Honoring the sun, worshiping the moon, asking for the wind, praying for the fire, healing by the water, and laughing with the earth was really alive.
However, with the rapid progress of recent science and technology, People came to think that "The Human is the master of the earth and nature uses it for men." Since then, people began to quickly forget the words they spoke with flowers, trees, and birds.
Will people forget the words they talk with nature forever? Or can you remember that word again, in harmony with the progress of science? This is a statement by film director Hitoshi Tatsumura in the movie "Earth Symphony".
Now is the time for us to take spirituality for granted, learn from the minds of the Jomon's people and indigenous, think of invisible beings, separate from the heart that values only materials, and lives every day in harmony.
When many people wake up to this thought, we will surely be able to reinhabit the power to talk with flowers, trees and birds. Now is the time for us to take spiritual itymmatter.
December 8, 2019
Rikkyo University: Symposium:
Spirituality and modern society: all participants